Słownik słówek
abara 肋 body part; the ribs
agaranai karada 上 が ら な い 体 unliftable body
agatsu 吾勝 self victory, according to the O`Sensei, true victory (masakatsu) is the victory one achieves over oneself (agatsu)
age uchi 揚 げ 打 ち striking the arc (uppercut)
age uke 揚 げ 受 け rising block
ago bone, gakkotsu 颚 骨 body part; jaw
ago tsuki 顎突き straight punch to the chin
ago 顎 body part; chin
agura wo kaku 胡 座 を か く informal seating position
agura 胡座 sitting cross-legged (anza 安座)
ai 合 harmony and balance, adapt to something. In the context of aikido, it is used to signify the spirit of harmony and accord
ai 相 together, in line, the same, identical
ai hanmi katate dori 相 半 身 片 手 取 り positioning of uke and tori in the same half-profiles with one hand grip for the forearm by the wrist (the left hand grabs the left one or the right hand grabs the right one), position preceding the implementation of the technique in kihon waza
ai hanmi 相 半 身 positioning of uke and tori before executing the technique in compatible profiled positions (e.g. uke’s right foot and tori’s right foot forward)
ai uchi 相 打 ち / ai tsuki 合 突 き mutual impact, simultaneous uke and tori’s strike, the “at once” settling most frequently found in sword schools
aiki 合 気 body and mind control, experience of the state of domination over ki, in techniques manifesting itself in uniting uke’s ki with tori’s ki
aiki budo 合 気 武 道 martial arts and the philosophy of a gentle settling of conflicts, a harmonious path of development
aiki in yo ho 合 気 陰 陽 法 harmony of mind based on yin and yang
Aiki Jinja 合 気 神 社 aikido temple in Japan, in the town of Iwama
aiki michi no Morihei 合 氣 道 之 盛 平
aiki nage 合 気 投 げ techniques ending in uke’s throw, according to the concept of energy transfer with limitation of physical contact between uke and tori
aiki no michi 合 気 の 道 path of aiki, the direction of development in the art of aikido
aiki O`kami 合 気 大 神 “The Great Spirit of Aiki” O`Sensei’s sentence
aiki otoshi 合 気 落 と し aikido technique consisting in lifting uke’s hips, throwing technique by dropping uke
aiki towa wagowe 合 気 と は 和 合 世 “Aiki is a World of Peace”, the sentence of the aikido master Hiroshazu Kobayashi
aikibatto 合 気 抜 刀 sword drawing exercise
aikido 合 気 道 Japanese martial art, which is aimed at human development and knowledge of the laws of nature and harmony. A precursor of aikido was Morihei Ueshiba. In 1940, aikido becomes a legalised form of budo (then aikibudo). The word aikido is made up of three kanji characters: ai – harmony; ki – spirit, mind, or universal energy; do – way. The way of harmony with ki
aikido hachijuo Ueshiba Morihei 合氣道八十翁 植芝盛平 O`Sensei’s sentence
aikidogi 合 気 道 衣 training clothes (kimono) in which aikido is practised
aikidoka 合 気 道 家 practitioner of aikido, adept, person who follows the path of aikido. The last kanji 家 here it takes the meanings: person; expert
aikijo 合 気 杖 area of aikido techniques using a stick about 130 cm long (jo)
aikijutsu 合 気 術 prototype of aikido, martial art based on the principle of harmony of defence with the attack
Aikikai 公 益 財 団 法 人 合 気 会 aikido foundation founded in 1940 by Kisshomaru Ueshiba. The central Aikikai dojo is the Hombu Dojo in Tokyo. Also aikido style
aikiken 合 気 剣 area of aikido techniques using a wooden sword (bokken)
aikitai 合 気 体 area of aikido techniques using only the body, techniques without weapons
aikitaiso 合 気 体 操 gymnastic exercises with elements of kokyu, techniques and tactics, gymnastics for achieving the state of aiki
aisatsu 挨 拶 greetings and conversational etiquette (congratulations)
aite 相 手 training partner, co-practitioner
akashi 證 certyfikat
ako gishi 赤 穂 義 士 the tale of the 47 ronin
an 安 relaxed, at ease
anza 安 座 cross-legged sit
anzen 安 全 safety
anzen chitai 安 全 地 帯 comfort zone (safe areas)
aramitama 荒 御 魂 ara (rough, wild, rude), mi (honorable), tama (soul, spirit), aramitama (rough or turbulent soul)
arigato 有 難 う thank you
arigato gozaimashita 有 難 う 御 座 い ま し た appreciation, informal „thank you very much”
asa geiko 朝 稽 古 early morning training
asahi 旭 / 朝 日 sunrise
ashi 脚 body part; leg
ashi 足 body part; foot
ashi ate 足 当 foot strike
ashi barai 足 払 い technique taking advantage of mistakes in tai sabaki, in aikitai and aikijo based on sweeping partner’s leg, causing the effect as if slipping or tripping
ashi kotai 足 交 代 command to switch sides during a drill (literally “feet alternation”)
ashi no ko 足 の 甲 instep of the foot
ashi no undo 足 の 運 動 aikitaiso exercises for the legs
ashi no ura 足 の 裏 sole of the foot
ashi no yubi 足 の 指 body parts; toes
ashi sabaki 足 捌 き technique of foot movement, leg work in aikido techniques
ashi ura 足 裏 body part; foot sole
ashikubi no taiso 足 首 の 体 操 aikitaiso exercise for the feet
ashikubi 足 首 body part; ankle, ankle joint (literally “neck of the foot”)
atama 頭 body part; head, also an ancient practice of cutting off enemies’ heads for gaining greater glory
atatameru 温 め る to warm oneself through physical exercise
ate 当 て strike
atemi 当 て 身 striking the body, element of technique consisting in precise (punctual) blow (with a hand or a foot) to the attacker’s body to take over a defensive initiative or a blow that fills the empty space in a technique. Atemi prototype were impacts disturbing the opponent’s ki, war acupressure
ato / ko 後 back, behind, move back, rear
ato ashi 後 足 back foot
awase 合 せ combined
awase uchi 合 せ 打 combined strike
awase waza 合 わ せ 技 combining techniques, techniques going one into another without ending
ayumi ashi 歩 み 足 tai sabaki; body movement technique; natural walking, alternating leg positioning
banzai 万歳 congratulations (literally “ten thousand years”)
barai 払 い sweep
batto 抜 刀 naked blade
battodo 抜 刀 術 ancient schools specialising in improving the art of Japanese swordplay. The training was based on individual improvement of the technique, after which the skills were practically tested, among others on convicts. Currently, styles that continue the ancient message carry out their tests on, for example, straw bales
benkyo 勉 強 study
betsuden 別 傳 secret teaching to most loyal students
bo 棒 a long staff
bodo 棒道 the way of the staff
bogyo 防 御 defense
bojutsu 棒 術 art of the staff
bokken 木 剣 a wooden training sword with parameters similar to the katana, originally bokken was a practice sword used to avoid damage by katana
bokken kake 木 剣 掛 け a rack for holding bokken (lit “wooden sword hook”)
bokken no kamae 木 剣 の 構 え posturę, pose, stance with bokken
boku 木 tree
bokuto 木 刀 a wooden training sword (a bit more heavier than a bokken and with a weight more referring to the katana). The term is used primarily by the Japanese
boshi 帽 子 element of the katana construction; the hamon hardening line going through the kissaki
boshi 拇 指 body part; thumb
boshi uchi 拇 指 打 ち atemi waza, a thumb strike
boshiken 拇 指 拳 thumb tip strike in aikiken
budo 武 道, warrior’s way, philosophy of avoiding fighting „stop enemy spears”, general term for Japanese martial arts
budo seishin 武 道 精 神 martial spirit
budoka 武 道 者 person who devotes his life to the values of budo, martial way practitioner
budokan 武 道 館 budo training hall
bugeisha 武 芸 者 practising budo, martial arts practitioner
bujutsu 武 術 general name for Japanese traditional martial arts, the art of war
buki 武 器 a general term for weapon
buki rei 武 器 礼 formal bow to one’s weapon
buki waza 武 器 技 techniques using traditional Japanese weapons
bukkyo 仏 教 buddhism
bukyo 武 教 teachings of bushido
bun 文 classroom learning
bungaku 文 学 literature
bunkai 分 解 detailed analysis of kata elements. In aikiken it means seeing all the defence possibilities and knowledge of secret interpretations of techniques with a bokken
bushi 武 士 Japanese knight whose main task was to protect members of the clan. Warrior keeping the moral code
bushido 武 士 道 bushi code of honour, rules defining the warrior’s life path (even at the expense of losing his own life)
bushin 武 神 the spirit of the warrior, also O`Sensei’s sentence in kanji
buyu 武 友 martial friends
cha no yu 茶 の 湯 tea ceremony
chairo 茶 色 brown
chi 地 earth, ground
chi 気 chinese pronunciation of ki
chi 血 blood
chiburi 血 振 る い the moment of contemplation, ceremonial flick of blood from the sword, among others in order to clean the blade, in aikiken chiburi it closes the forms of kata (symbolic form)
chikai 近 い near (to close with an opponent)
chikama 近 間 the closest distance between uke and tori allowing a direct attack without tai sabaki, distance without movement, most often used in suwari techniques. It is the very close distance where hand techniques have main priority
chikara o nuku 力 を 抜 くlet go of strength, relax (lit. “more skill, less force”)
chin kon ki shin 鎮 魂 帰 神 shintoist ritual of calming the spirit, introduced by O`Sensei to aikido practice, nowadays introducing contemplation in aikitaiso exercises
choku 直 directly (straight)
choku tsuki 直 突 き sword thrust
chokuritsu 直 立 natural approach (e.g. shizentai)
chokusen 直 線 a straight line, a line that defines the direction of suburi in aikiken and aikijo waza forms, practical expression of the central line control in the uke-tori arrangement, the equivalent of seichusen in karate, direct entry
chokuto 直 刀 a simple sword manufactured up to about 900 A.D. (also the so-called jokoto ancient sword)
chu 中 center, middle, inside
chu 忠 loyalty
chudan mae geri 中段前蹴り Middle level front kick
chudan no kamae 中 段 の 構 え position with the sword’s guard to the torso
chudan tsuki 中 段 突 き hit in the torso, most often in the abdominal region in the solar plexus
chudan uchi 中 段 打 ち middle level strike
chudan 中 段 middle body level measured from collar bones to hips
chugi 忠 義 samurai virtue; loyalty, faithfulness and trust in law-abiding people
chushinsen 中 心 線 the body centerline
dachi 立 ち stance (tachi)
dai 大 great, large
dai ichi 第一 first, foremost, number on (dai ni 第 二 second, dai san 第 三 third, dai yon 第 四 fourth)
Dai Nippon Butokukai Budo Senmon Gakko 大 日 本 武 徳 会 武 道 専 門 学 校 Imperial Japan Martial Association
Dai Nippon Butokukai 大 日 本 武 徳 会 Imperial Japan Martial Association
daigaku 大 学 university
daigakusei 大 学 生 university student
daimyo 大 名 literally: “great name”, the description of feudal lords in Japan with their own hosts of samurai (Japanese nobility), usually wealthy and influential landlords who managed their own villages or towns, feudal lord
daisho 大 小 common term for samurai swords: katana and wakizashi (daito – the great sword and shoto – the small sword)
daitai 大 腿 body part; thigh
daito 大 刀 long sword over 60 cm (length more than two shaku)
daito ryu aiki jujutsu 大 東 流 合 気 柔 術 method with centuries-old war traditions. Fighting style practised by master Sokaku Takeda (daito ryu inspired Morihei Ueshiba to develop aiki concept)
dame 駄 目 wrong, no good
dan 段 master level in traditional Japanese martial arts, graded from 1 to 10 dan. In martial arts, it is symbolised by wearing a black belt. White belt ranks are called kyu ranks.
dan shinsa 段 審 査 black belt examination
dan-i 段 位 japanese rank system of dan and kyu
den 傳 transmission (of knowledge)
densho 伝 書 technique scroll, recorded teachings
dento 伝 統 tradition
deshi 弟 子 student, learner
do (michi) 道 way, path, method of gaining life experience, study with physical and spiritual implications, aikido – is the way of harmony
do 胴 part of the samurai armour protecting the front of the torso: abdomen and chest
dogu 道 具 the armor used in kendo also bogu
dojo 道 場 place (most often a room) of martial arts practice. Tradition goes back to Buddhist temples and Zen meditation. In literal translation it means “the way and strict rules”. The place where we practice aikido, training hall
dojo cho 道 場 長 leader of a dojo (director)
doka 道 歌 poetry of the way
dokan 道 環 “the ring of the way”, constant practice
dokkotsu 咽 喉 body part; larynx
domo どうも many, much
domo arigato gozaimashita ど う も 有 難 う 御 座 い ま し た thank you for finished training. After each class, it is proper to bow and thank the instructor and those with whom you have trained
dori (tori) 取 り take, catch, grab
doryoku 努力 effort
dosa 動 作 exercise, movements
doshu 道 主 head of the school, martial arts leader, founder or heir of the method, “master of the path” or „head of the way”. The highest official authority in mainstream aikido (michi mori)
dozo ど う ぞ please
embu gi 演 武 着 demonstration uniform
embu 演 舞 show, public demonstration of martial arts
embusen 演 舞 線 diagram (line) of moving in kata forms
empi uchi 猿 臂 打 ち elbow strike
empi uke 猿 臂 受 elbow block
en 円 circle
en undo 円 運 動 circular movement
eri dori 襟 取 り grip of the kimono collar, grip by the neck
eri mochi 襟 持ち grip of the kimono collar, grip by the neck
fuchi 縁 element of the katana construction, a hilt collar (ring) between the tsuka and the tsuba
fudo (no) kamae 不 動 構 え motionless stance, position compared to a statue
fudo shin 不 動 心 still mind and heart, peace of mind, it is the calm and stability
fukkin undo 腹 筋 運 動 abdominal exercises
fukko 伏 虎 kneeling
fukko kamae 伏 虎 構 え kneeling position on one knee used in sword and archery schools
fuku ra hagi 脹 ら 脛 body part; calf
fukura 脹 element of the katana construction, the kissaki cutting edge
fukushiki kokyu 腹 式 呼 吸 abdominal breathing
funakogi undo 舟 漕 ぎ 運 動 rowing exercise, once a practice derived from Shintoism aimed at achieving contemplation in order to unite the body and mind, now funakogi undo is used to improve hip work, balance, stable posture and coordinate the breath in three different rhythms of work
furi 振 rocking, vibrating, swinging, swinging motion
furi kamuri 振 り か む り raising the sword above the head
furi komi 振 込 む shifting to the inside (inward), the principle of reacting in technique, it depends on defence in the phase of mental preparation of the attack, the technique aimed at the decision to start an attack and aikijo technique of thrusting the stick into the jodan zone
furi tama 振 り 霊 aikitaiso exercise; concentration and breathing exercise, shaking hands for the introduction of vibration movements into the body, a kind of meditation in motion
futari dori 二 人 取 り techniques for connecting two attackers. The situation in which two uke simultaneously grab tori
futari geiko 二 人 稽 古 two person drill
futari taiso 二 人 体 操 exercises for two people, gymnastics in tandem with body resistance of a co-practitioner
gaeshi (kaeshi) 返 し reversely, counter
gaiwan 外 腕 forearm
gaku 額 a painting of the precursor of the art often combined with kanji (kakemono) containing O’Sensei’s philosophical thought located in the main part of the dojo (in kamiza), calligraphy or motto hung on dojo walls
ganko 眼 孔 eye socket
gankyu 眼 球 eyeball
ganmen 顔 面 body part, face
ganmen geri 顔 面 蹴 り kick to the face
garami 絡 み arm entanglement that triggers a joint lock
gassho 合 掌 pressed-palm gesture, honour and respect for kamiza, form of meditation and greeting
gassho no kamae 合 掌 の 構 え prayer posture, with palms held together
gassho rei 合 掌 礼 hands held together
gasshuku 合 宿 training camp
gatame 固 め locking or holding, combination form
ge 下 direction down, low
gedan 下 段 low body level (from waist to foot)
gedan barai 下 段 払 い low sweeping block or leg sweep
gedan kekomi 下 段 蹴 込 み thrust kick to groin
gedan no kamae 下 段 の 構 え low sword guard
gedan tsuki 下 段 突 き low strike
gendaito 現 代 刀 swords created in the years 1876-1945 (modern swords)
genki 元 気 health
genkotsu 拳 骨 fist
geri (keri) 蹴 り kick, leg hit
getsu 刖 ancient punishment by cutting the leg in the knee
gi 義 the virtue of samurai; righteousness, morality, justice
gi 着 / 衣 do gi 道 着 keiko gi 稽 古 着 training costume (garment), they should be white and cotton
giri 義 理 samurai honour, a kind of moral obligation to repay the debt of gratitude. Traditional form of loyalty to the sovereign. Today giri has evolved, gaining a polite meaning. Still however, it carries the same message: courageous action in the idea of justice and the cult of simple and pure intentions, even for the price of sacrifice
go 五 five
go do shin 五 道 心 five ways of the spirit
go no keiko ご の 稽 古 hard training, exhausting exercises
godan 五 段 5th degree black belt
gokyo 五 教 aikido technique, the fifth principle of lock action on the joints of the arm (kuji osae), defense from knife attack
gomen nasai ご め ん な さ い I’m sorry in the situation of asking for help
gorei 号 令 command to start loud counting
goshin 護 身 self defense
goshin jutsu 護 身 術 art of self defense
gunto 軍 刀 katana swords, which were created just before and during the Second World War. Blades were produced by the method of machine forging
gyaku 逆 on the contrary, inversely, the term used to determine the position (e.g., hands in relation to the feet) and impact variants, reverse
gyaku hanmi katate dori 逆 半 身 片 手 取 り uke and tori’s formation in opposite (side) positions with a single grip on the forearm near the wrist (usually the grip takes place in the reverse order; left – right or right – left)
gyaku hanmi 逆 半 身 uke and tori’s formation in opposite profiled positions (e.g. uke’s right foot and tori’s left foot to the front), opposite half-body
gyaku hasso no kamae 八 相 の 構 え position with a bokken kept high on the left side of the body
gyaku kesa giri 逆 袈 裟 斬 り cutting through the torso (carried diagonally from bottom to top)
gyaku te dori 逆 手 取 り reverse hand grab
gyaku te 逆 手 underhand, backhand or reverse grip
gyaku tsuki 逆 突 き sword thrust preceded by entry with the left foot
gyaku uchi 逆 打 ち reverse strike
gyaku yokomen uchi 逆 横 面 打 ち sword cut in the side of the head or neck, preceded by uke nagashi guard and entering with the left foot
ha 刃 sharp edge of the katana, hardened part (opposite to the mune), also the hasaki 刃 先
habaki 鎺 element of the katana construction, metal collar around the blade above the tang (it protects the sword from falling out of the saya and supports the decorative fittings below)
hachi 八 eight
hachidan 八 段 8th degree black belt
hachiji dachi 八 字 立 stance with feet set like the kanji for eight (八)
hada 肌 skin
hadashi 肌 足 barefoot
hagane 刃 金 steel for the production of swords
haguki 歯 茎 body part; dental arch
hai は い literally: “yes”, attitude of motivated action
haidate 佩 楯 armour protecting samurai’s thighs
haishin undo 背 伸 運 動 aikitaiso exercise consisting in stretching the practitioner on the back, stretching the hips and torso
hajime 始 め beginning, a command to start the exercise or technique, start
hakama 袴 traditional wide Japanese trousers, in aikido usually black or navy blue, nowadays worn by aikido masters (usually worn by black belt ranks)
hakama musubi obi 袴 結 び 帯 tying straps after folding the hakama
hakama obi 袴 帯 straps from hakama trousers to bind the hips
hamon 刃 文 element of the katana construction, pattern (line) along the blade formed after grinding the hardened part
hanmi 半 身 literally: “half body”, in aikido it means side position of the body (profiled), triangular stance
hanmi hantachi waza 半 身 半 立 ち 技 positioninig of the practitioners in relation to each other: tori in low position (seiza), uke in high (tachi)
hanmi kamae 半 身 構 え side position in aikido, semi-profile position, i.e. a stance in the lateral position of hips and shoulders, with a characteristic positioning of feet in a triangle, the stance refers to a pyramidal position, i.e. a position with a stable base
hansha undo 反 射 運 動 / 反射作用 reflex action
hanshi 範 士 the honorary title of the teacher, the master must be minimum 55 years and have a degree of 8th dan
hantai 反 対 a command to change the side to the opposite, the other way round, reverse
happo 八 方 a scheme of eight directions, to turn in any direction
happo giri (kiri) 八 方 切 り bokken cuts performed in eight directions
happo no kuzushi 八 方 の 崩 し exercise of being off balance in eight directions
happo shikko 八 方 膝 行 exercise of movements in a low position based on the scheme of eight directions
happo undo 八 方 運 動 eight-direction exercise combines zengo-undo with ikkyo-undo
hara 腹 body part; belly and the centre of human balance and vitality, the abdomen, stomach
hara kiri 腹 切 り honorable death of suicide, seppuku 切腹
hara undo 腹 運 動 aikitaiso exercise for a sense of hip stability and finding a sense of seika tanden
harai / barai 払 い sweeping, parrying, clearing away
hasami kamae 鋏 構 え position of legs set in scissors, consists of twisting the hips to obtain position of entwined legs
hasso 八 相 movement performed along number eight pattern
hasso gaeshi 八 相 返 hitting with a stick performed along number eight pattern
hasso no kamae 八 相 の 構 え position with a bokken or a jo held high near the shoulder, a guard for jodan, figure-eight stance (the figure eight does not correspond to the arabic numeral “8”)
hatsu geiko 初 稽 古 first trainings, getting acquainted with the rules prevailing in the dojo (keiko hajime 稽 古 始 め)
hayaku 早 く command for more active and organised work in the dojo, literally: “faster, quickly, livelier “
hazumi 弾 み momentum, spur of the moment
henka waza 変 化 技 technical variations having a common origin from one technique, change technique, change technique to another
hera 箆 toggle at the back of the upper part of the hakama
hi 樋 element of the katana construction, a groove running through the blade (its main purpose is reducing the weight of the sword)
hibuki 秘 武 器 hiding weapons in techniques, secret weapon
hida 襞 folds on the hakama trousers, vertical pleats along the legs
hidari 左 left, to the left, left side
hidari gedan no kamae 左 下 段 の 構 え position with the left leg to the front (bokken kept low)
hidari hanmi 左 半 身 side torso positioning with the left leg forward
hidari jodan no kamae 左 上 段 の 構 え position with the left leg to the front (bokken kept high)
higi 秘 技 secret technique
hiji 肘 body part; elbow
hiji ate 肘 当 て elbow striking
hiji dori 肘 取 り a grab of elbow
hiji kime osae 肘 決 め 抑 え a lock on the elbow joint, previously determined by rokkyo
hiki 引 き pull
himo ヒ モ straps for binding hakama trousers
hineri 捻 り turn, twisting
hiragana 平 仮 名 one of three Japanese writing systems
hiraji 平 地 element of the katana construction, the surface of the blade between the hamon and the shinogi
hiraki 開 き opening the guard (lowering the bokken), finding a weak spot or error in technique (in non-weapon techniques usually combined with an atemi hit)
hiroi 寛 budo philosophy; wide mind
hitai 額 body part; forehead
hito iki 一 息 single breath, to perform waza in a single breath
hitoemi 一重身 single body, making the body small
hitori geiko 独 り 稽 古 practice alone
hitori ryoho 独 り 療 法 self-healing art
hitori waza 一 人 技 exercise performed without a partner, individual training allowing you to focus more on your body, a form of meditation in motion, single-person exercises to develop balance and coordination, and to pattern the basic movements of aikido techniques
hitsu 筆 brush, handwriting
hiza 膝 body part; knee
hiza geri 膝 蹴 りknee kick, knee strike
hiza kansetsu 膝 関 節 knee joint
hiza o mawasu undo 膝 を 回 す 運 動 knee circle, a junbi undo ( warm-up exercise)
hizo uchi 脾 臓 打 spleen strike
hizo 脾 臓 body part; spleen
ho 方 direction, side
ho 法 method
hombu dojo 本 部 道 場 headquarters of the martial school
hone 骨 body part; bone
honshin 本 心 true feelings
hyaku 百 one hundred
hyogen 表 現 expression
hyoho niten ichi ryu 二 天 一 流 a school of two swords founded by master Miyamoto Musashi. Also known under the names of niten ichi (二 天 一) “two skies in one” and nito ichi (二 刀 一) “two swords in one”
hyoshi 拍 子 rhythm in music that most often reflects the natural phenomena of nature, in budo a reference to the naturalness of movements
hyoshigi 拍 子 木 wooden clappers, commonly used during breathing exercises
iai 居 合 drawing of one’s weapon from its place of rest or bringing it to bear; also nukitsuke; lit “a place where you are”; sitting down
iai goshi 居 合 腰 “relationship hip,” posture with one knee on the ground and the other foot flat
iaido 居 合 道 the art of drawing a sword, wielding a katana
iaihiza 居 合 膝 lowered knee position on the left leg with the right knee raised (position convenient for drawing the sword quickly)
ibuki 息 吹 method of increased breathing, usually a long inhale and expectorant exhalation
ichi 一 one
ichi mon ji 一 門 時 a straight line
ichiban 一 番 first, best
Ichimonji suburi 一 文 字 素 振 り the practice of cutting (air cutting)
Ichimonji 一 文 字 in a straight line
ido 移 動 movement
iie い い え literally: “no”, disapproval from the teacher for the student’s actions
ikebana 生 け 花 the art of creating a floral composition
ikkyo 一 教 first technique (lesson) of aikido, first principle
ikkyo happo giri 一 教 八 方 切 movement in eight directions with the movement of lifting arms to ikkyo, concentration exercise on hara
ikkyo shiho giri 一 教 四 方 切 movement in four directions with the movement of lifting arms to ikkyo, concentration exercise on hara
ikkyo undo 一 教 運 動 practising concentration on the hara, lifting the hands with the movement of the hips up as in ikkyo technique, usually without moving the body
in 咽 body part; throat
ippon 一 本 one point
ippon geiko 一 本 稽 古 a joint training, training in pairs for everyone regardless of the level of advancement, universal training (general)
ippon ken 一 本 拳 fist arranged to strike a point, hand clenched in a fist with a bit extended, bent index finger
irimi 入り身 decisive entry to the front, also mental attitude, mental entry in attack and reaction time (timing) to the uke attack
irimi nage 入 り 身 投 げ entry technique finished with a throw
irimi sokumen 入 り 身 側 面 lateral (profile) entering
irimi sudori 入 り 身 巣 鶏 entry technique with the accelerating body, the characteristic is the acceleration and sacrifice of the position (curling up of the body) to throw uke
irimi tenkan 入 り 身 転 换 tai sabaki, moving through the entry and 180 degrees turn
iro obi 色 帯 colored belt
ishi 意 思 intention
ishin denshin 以 心 伝 心 transfer from heart to heart, from mind to mind. Non-verbal relationship between practitioners, full of acceptance and understanding. The state of harmony in which tori and uke have one heart and one mind
isshin itto 一 心 一 刀 lit “one mind, one sword”
itame hada 板 目 肌 element of the katana construction (lines on the blade resembling wooden rings)
itami 痛 み pain
ito maki 糸 巻 element of the katana construction, tape for wrapping the sword’s hilt
itsuku 居 付 く the situation between uke and tori, the state of helplessness and surprise of the uke’s mind (triggered by encouraging the attack and performing unexpected defence)
Itto Ryu 一 刀 流 sword school from the Edo era. The essence of the style was victory above all. School used the experience of other sword schools
Iwama Ryu 岩 間 流 aikido style started by master Morihiro Saito (during Morihei Ueshiba’s stay in the town of Iwama)
jaku 寂 silent, quiet
ji 地 element of the katana construction, the area between the shinogi and the hamon
Jigeiko 稽 古 training to overcome your weaknesses
jiku ashi 軸 足 a foot or leg that defines the axis when rotating the entire body
jin 仁 samurai virtue; helpfulness, goodness, compassion
jintai 人 体 human body, person
jiyu geiko 自 由 稽 古 trial training, free practice
jiyu waza 自 由 技 free-style practice of techniques, attacker may attack in any way desired
jo 場 place, space
jo 杖 a stick about 130 cm long, used as a weapon in aikido
jo – ha – kyo 序 破 急 rhythm of work in technique, literally: “slowly – with acceleration – fast”, in aikido, it occurs in the form of three rhythms during rowing
jo dori (tori) 杖 取 り techniques of disarming uke who is attacking with a stick
jo nage 杖 投 げ techniques of disarming with a throw uke who is attacking with a stick
jo tai ken 杖 対 剣 confrontation of techniques using a stick against sword techniques
jo waza 杖 技 techniques of using a stick
jodan 上 段 the highest body zone, from collarbone to the top of the head, high level
jodan no kamae 上 段 の 構 え position with a raised sword, head guard
jodan tsuki 上 段 突 き sword thrust into the neck area or straight blow to the head
jodan uke 上 段 受 け upper level block
jodo 杖 道 the way of the short stick
jojutsu 杖 術 art of the short stick
jokoto 上 古 刀 ancient and simple sword from the Heian period
joseki 上 関 (右 側) higher side of the dojo, right side of the room, an honourable place for students strongly engaged in training
ju 十 ten
ju 柔 soft, gentle
ju jutsu 柔 術 stretchy, flexible
judan 十 段 10th degree black belt
judo 柔 道 a flexible way
juji 十 字 cross, crossed
juji ashi sabaki 十 字 足 捌 き moving sideways crossing legs
juji ashi 十 足 stepping left or right across the other leg
juji garami 十 字 絡 み aikido technique, control by crossing arms, arms crossed, elbows locked
juji gatame 十 字 固 holding with a tangled arm, cross holding
juji shiho 十 字 四 方 shiho key with tangled arms
juku 塾 private school
jukuren 熟 練 practiced skill
jun tsuki 順 突 き thrust with the positioning to the front of one hand and leg (e.g. left-left or right-right)
junan taiso 柔 軟 体 操 flexibility exercises
junbi 準 備 prepare (get ready)
junbi taiso 準 備 体 操 warming exercises, aikitaiso, preparatory exercises
jutsu 術 art.
ka 家 someone who is an expert (aikido-ka)
ka 火 fire
kabuto 兜 (冑) / hachi 鉢 part of the Japanese armour protecting the head and neck, helmet made of iron, initially without decorative elements, with time taking on various artistic forms (incl. decorating in bronze and stainless steel)
kaeshi (gaeshi) 返 し return, reversal
kaeshi tsuki 返 し 突 き stabbing with a handle, hitting with an inverted bokken
kaeshi waza 返 し 技 contratechniques resulting from the greater experience of one of the practitioners, return technique
Kagami Biraki 鏡 開 き “Opening the mirror”, ritual first workout of the new year
kagami geiko 鏡 稽 古 “Mirror training”, training in which partners mirror each other’s actions
kagami 鏡 mirror
kagami 鑑 example, model
Kage Ryu 陰 流 old kenjutsu school (koryu) founded by Aizu Ikosai Hisatada around the 15th century
kai 会 association, organisation
kaicho 会 長 head of organization
kaiden 皆 伝 knowledge of all secrets, high level of menkyo rank system
kaiken 懐 剣 tanto (dagger) worn hidden in the kimono
kaiseki 懐 石 a small and easily digestible meal (usually eaten before serving tea)
kaisetsu 解 説 commentary
kaishaku 解 釈 explanation; interpretation
kaisho 開 手 open hand
kaiso 開祖 founder; originator, the founder of aikido Morihei Ueshiba
kaiten 回 転 rotation, turn, rotation in place
kaiten nage 回 転 投 げ “wheel throw” technique
kaiten shikko 回 転 膝 行 movement on your knees with turns
kaiten zempo ukemi 回 転 前 歩 受 け 身 forward fall with rolling
kaji 鍛 治 armoured man, Japanese blacksmith (armourer) engaged in forging of the katana blade (nihon kaji)
kakari keiko 掛 り 稽 古 form of training consisting in attacking tori successively by several uke coming from one direction, group work and one side attack
kakato か か と body part; heel
kakemono 掛 け 物 Japanese calligraphy hung in the dojo next to the kamiza
kaku 角 corner
kaku obi 角 帯 wide belt in aikido worn under the hakama
kamae 構 え position, the basic posture in aikido, generally refers to a physical stance, there is an important parallel in aikido between one’s physical and one’s psychological bearing
kami 神 divinity
kami 紙 paper
kami 髪 hair
kami no ke 髪 の 毛 body part; hair
kamidana 神 棚 household shrine (home shrine)
kamiza 神 座 honorary place in the dojo, honourable place occupied by the teacher, place of remembrance and respect for O`Sensei, a place for the teacher (frontal part of the room)
kan 勘 the sixth sense, perception, intuition
kan 館 hall or building
kan geiko 寒 稽 古 winter training
kana 仮 名 Japanese syllabary (hiragana, katakana)
kancho 館 長 director (supervising the organisation) of a martial school
kanji 漢 字 writing of Chinese origin, Japanese symbols
kansetsu 関 節 body part; joint
kansetsu waza 関 節 技 dislocation techniques, techniques which are applied to the joints
kantei 鑑 定 expert evaluation of the sword
kanzo 肝 臓 body part; liver
kao 顔 body part; face
kao ate 顔当 face strike
kara 空 state of mind, the emptiness, zen
karada 体 body; also tai or tei
karui geiko 軽 い 稽 古 easy practice, light
kasane 重 ね element of construction of the katana, thickness of the blade measured on the back of the blade (mune)
kashi wade 柏 手 aikitaiso; contemplative fourfold clapping, philosophically related to four elements: water, fire, air and earth
Kashima Ryu 鹿 島 神 流 old Japanese martial arts school (koryu). Its origins date back to the fifteenth century. The name comes from the temple and the city of Kashima (Japan, Ibaraki province)
kashira 頭 element of the katana construction; metal pommel cap for the hilt of the sword
kasumi 霞 sword grip with folded arms, hiding intentions
kata 型 a form of improvement of budo elements and a form of self-improvement through execution of sequences of strictly defined elements of techniques, the most widely developed in aikiken and aikijo, fixed movement pattern
kata dori (tori) 肩 取 り kimono grip on arm or shoulder level
kata dori men uchi 肩 取 り 面 打 ち arm or kimono grip on the shoulder, connected with shomen uchi strike with the other hand
kata gatame 肩 固 immobilisation technique by joint lock on the elbow and shoulder, it occurs alone and in the final stages of nikyo, sankyo, kote gaeshi
kata hineri 肩 捻 る aikitaiso exercise consisting in turning the shoulders causing slight twists of the hips and the whole torso
kata no undo 肩 の 運 動 aikitaiso exercises for the arms and shoulders
kata te mochi 片 手 持 ち one-handed grasp with left on right or right on left
katakana 片 仮 名 kind of alphabet, characters used in the Japanese writing system for transcription of foreign words, e.g. names, terms, names of animals or plants
katame 固 An immobilisation, to lock, to pin
katame ukemi waza 固め技受け身 the defensive, passive attitude; passivity, ukemi (the art of falling safely)
katame waza 固 技 holding techniques (controlling the opponent), usually combined with a joint lock or strangling, e.g. techniques: ikkyo, nikyo, sankyo, yonkyo and gokyo
katame waza 固 技 immobilisation techniques with joint lock on the arm and forearm, grappling techniques; consisting of osae waza and kensetsu waza
katana 刀 Japanese sword, its greatest flourish took place in the Muromachi era in the fourteenth century (samurai sword)
katana kake 刀 掛 け sword stand
katana mei 刀 銘 signature on the katana sword
katana wa bushi no tamashi desu 刀 は 武 士 の 魂 で す ” The katana is the soul of a samurai”
katate dori (tori) 片 手 取 り wrist grip with one hand
katate ryote dori (tori) 片 手 両 手 取 り grasping one hand with two hands, morote dori
katate uchi 片 手 打 ち cutting with a sword held with one hand, most often with the use of wakizashi
katsu 活 techniques for restoring consciousness
katsu hayabi 勝 速 日 O`Sensei’s philosophy “Victory at the Speed of Light” (victory without physical fighting) and the principle of using time in technique that does not allow you to start an attack
katsu Jinken 活人拳 “The sword that saves life.” The concept found some explicit application in the development of techniques which would use non-cutting parts of the sword to strike or control one’s opponent, rather than to kill him
kaze 風 wind
kazu 数 numbers
keiko (geiko) 稽 古 training, practice, lessons
keiko hajime 稽 古 始 め first practice of the year
keiko soremade 稽 古 そ れ 迄 “finish (lit “training that is all”)
keikogi 稽 古 着 training clothes, practice uniform
keiretsu 系 列 line alignment, in a row
ken 拳 body part; fist, clenched hand
ken no awase せ の 合 わ せ defence harmony training with kumi tachi attack, following the attack
ken o osaeru 剣 を 押 え る hold down or suppress (sword suppressing)
kendo 剣 道 literally: “the way of the sword”, contemporary kenjutsu, also sports competition
kenjutsu 剣 術 general name for styles of fighting with the use of swords: the katana and the wakizashi, old koryu
kenkokotsu 肩 甲 骨 body part; shoulder blade
kenkotaiso 健 康 体 操 health exercises, aikitaiso exercises in aikido (meditation, breathing exercises, gymnastics)
kensho 見 性 seeing one’s nature (nature of mind)
kesa け さ 袈 裟 long sash (stole) worn by Buddhist monks (worn diagonally over the torso)
kesa giri (kiri) 袈 裟 切 り diagonal sword cut through the torso (e.g. from the left shoulder to the right hip)
ki 気 psychophysical energy, life energy and the vital state of man
ki ken tai ichi 気 剣 体 ー unity of spirit, sword and body
ki musubi no tachi 気 結 び の 太 刀 one of the aikiken rules, how to connect tori with uke attack
ki no musubi 気 の 結 び concept of harmonious energy between defence and attack, binding your ki with your training partner’s ki
ki no nagare 気 の 流 れ flow of ki energy
ki shin tai 気 心 体 energy, mind, body
kiai 気 合 exclamation most often for reviving the fight spirit and weakening the intentions of the attacker, energy gathered in a hara and freed by a shout
kiai jutsu 気 合 術 the art of kiai
kiatsu 氣 圧 a way of directing ki through touch (pressure) for healing
kihon sotai 素 体 practising the basics of technique with a partner
kihon tandoku 基 本 単 独 individual exercises of the basics of technique (improvement in stances with a bokken, movement, suburi, etc.) and independent study of aikido theory (e.g. vocabulary, philosophy of art, getting acquainted with historical knowledge, etc.)
kihon waza 基 本 技 exercises of basic technique, technical analysis, a basic form of practicing a technique (often at slow speed from a static start)
kikai 機 会 “ocean of energy” of tanden
kikan 気 管 body part; trachea
kime 決 め blocking, pressure to reach the threshold of pain in the joint, maximum concentration (focus) of technique energy, increased muscle tension performed in parallel with the exhalation in the last phase of sword cutting
kimeru 決 め る control the opponent until the technique is completely completed, to carry out successfully, to be decided
kimono 着 物 traditional Japanese outfit, colloquially martial arts outfit, literally: “worn thing”
kin 股 body part; crotch, groin
kingyo undo 金 魚 运 aikitaiso exercise; exercise called “Golden fish”
kiri (giri) 切 り sword cutting movement
kiri kaeshi 切 り 返 し returning cuts in kumi tachi. It is also a training exercise in kendo and kenjutsu
kiri otoshi 切 り 落 と し falling cut
kiri te 切 り 手 cut of the hand or forearm area
kiritsu 起 立 get up, rise, command to take a high position
kissaki 切 先 the tip of the katana sword
kiza 危 座 kneeling, toes tucked up (as when getting up from the seiza), buttocks are resting on heels slightly higher than in seiza (sit on your knees)
ko 古 old
ko ashi 小 足 little step
ko kissaski 小 鋒 element of the katana construction, small kissaki
ko shinogi 小 鎬 element of the katana construction, the shinogi passing through the kissaki
kobudo 古 武 道 practices related to traditional weapons, old and unchanged Japanese budo, literally: ko (古) “ancient”, bu (武) “war”, do (道) “method, way”
kodachi 小 太 刀 short or small sword
kogai 笄 hair pin, worn in a pocket of the katana or wakizashi scabbard
kogatana 小 刀 a small dagger carried in the pocket of the katana or the wakizashi scabbard
kogusoku 小 具 足 elements of armour for arms and legs
kohai 後 輩 junior student, relationship between aikido students (the person who started training later)
koho 後 方 back, at the back, backwards, behind
koho kaiten ukemi 後 方 回 転 受 け 身 fall backwards by rolling
koho ukemi 後 方 受 け 身 fall backwards on the shoulder girdle, with the impact of the forearms on the ground
koho undo 後 方 運 動 aikitaiso exercise; colloquially cradle
koiguchi 鯉 口 element of the katana construction; a hole in the saya to put the blade in, often enclosed with a decorative ring (usually made of buffalo horn)
kojiri 鐺 element of the katana construction, end of the scabbard (ring made of metal or buffalo horn)
kokansetsu 股 間 節 body part; hip joint
kokoro (shin) 心 attitude of respect and honour, behaviour flowing from the heart, strength and courage changing failure into wisdom
kokoro gamae 心 構 え mental attitude
kokusai 国 际 international
kokyu 呼 吸 breathing, the rhythm of work in techniques reflecting the natural inhale-exhale
kokyu ho suwari waza 呼 吸 法 座 技 method combining breathing movement performed in the Japanese sit
kokyu ho 呼 吸 法 the method combining breathing and movement, breathing control, kokyu tanden ho
kokyu nage 呼 吸 投 げ move that uses the breath power to throw, throwing techniques without resistance, breath throw
kokyu ryoku 呼 吸 力 strength of breath, support the techniques by breathing
kokyu undo 呼 吸 運 動 set of exercises that do certain things to the body (relaxation)
komekami 米 噛 み body part; temple
komekami uchi 米 噛 み 打 ち temple strike
komi 込 む to get closer, shorten the distance, command to position closer to each other
koryu 古 琉 old style, old school
kosa 交 差 crossing, intersection
kosa dori 交 差 取 り cross wrist grab, grasping hand in hand in a way that the right hand is behind the right one or the left behind the left one, ai hanmi katate dori
kosa mochi 交 差 持 ち cross-handed grasp with one on one
koshi 腰 body part; hips
koshi ita 腰 板 a rigid board-like section on the back of the hakama, stiffening on the loins
koshi kaiten 腰 回 転 moving consisting in the rotation of the hips by 180 degrees
koshi nage 腰 投 げ throw technique over a hip, hip throw
koshi no undo 腰 の 運 動 aikitaiso gymnastics for the hips
kote 小 手 wrist, tekubi
kote 篭 手 part of the armour protecting the forearms
kote gaeshi undo 小 手 返 し 運 動 aikitaiso exercise, independent manual rotation of the hand and forearm like in kote gaeshi
kote gaeshi 小 手 返 し technique of bent and twisted outward wrist
kote hineri 小 手 捻 り twisted forearm technique, sankyo
kote mawashi 小 手 回 し technique of bent and twisted inward wrist, nikyo
kote uchi 小 手 打 ち hitting the wrist, usually in aikiken and aikijo techniques
koto 古 刀 literally: “old sword”, the term used to describe swords from the years: 900-1596
kototama 言 霊 the spirit of expression, the power of words and sounds (a practice of intoning various sounds)
kozuka 小 柄 small knife, carried with the saya of the katana sword (next to the kogai)
ku 空 emptiness, vacuum, symbolically the interior of the circle (psychological non-attachment)
ku/kyu 九 nine
kubi 首 body part; neck
kubi nage 首 投 げ throw by grabbing the neck
kubi no undo 首 の 运 aikitaiso gymnastics for the neck
kubi shime 首 締 め strangling technique
kubi uchi 首 打 ち hitting the throat or neck
kuchi 口 mouth
kuchibiru 唇 body part; lips
kudan 九 段 9th degree black belt
kukan 空 間 space, room
kumi 組 department, group, set
kumi jo 組 杖 section of techniques with using weapons, uke and tori are armed with a jo, confrontation with the use of sticks
kumi tachi 組 立 ち section of techniques with the use of swords, uke and tori have a bokken, confrontation with swords
kumi te 組 手 sparring fight
kurigata 栗 形 slotted lug to receive the sageo
kuro obi 黒 帯 black belt
kuzushi 崩 し technical rule of destroying uke’s balance, deprivation of hip strength and unbalancing
kyo 教 learning, methodology
kyokai 協 会 association
kyoshi 教 士 honorary master’s title (minimum 7th dan)
kyu 級 student’s degree in Japanese art (not only in budo), in aikido from 6th kyu to 1st kyu
kyudo 弓 道 way of the bow (japanese archery)
kyusho 急 所 vital points on the human body
kyuukei 休 憩 command to take a short break e.g. for rest
ma 間 distance, space
maai 間 合 い correct distance, one of the basics of aikiken art, the distance between practitioners of kumi tachi
mae 前 front, at the front, in front
mae geri 前 蹴 り straight kick forward
mae kaiten ukemi 前 回 転 受 身 forward roll, fall with rolling
mae otoshi ukemi (nikyo ukemi) 前 落 と し 受 身 forward roll with moving backwards
mae ukemi 前 受 身 forward fall with cushioning of the forearms
mae yoko ukemi (kote gaeshi ukemi) 前 横 受 身 dynamic and hard fall performed forward to the side with cushioning of the forearm and shoulder
maki mono 巻 物 paper scroll
makiwara 巻 藁 traditional device for improving impacts
makoto 誠 budo philosophy; good will, noble mind without falsehood and betrayal, truthfulness and honesty towards your moral principles, purity and certainty of action without the need to assure and promise
mamorite 守 り 手 hand covering applicable in atemi waza and tanto waza
maru 〇 circle
marui 丸 い movement in a circle, the movement of the hips moved to the forearms and hands in the form of drawing a curve or a circle
masagatsu agatsu 正 勝 吾 勝 philosophy of aikido; “True victory is victory over oneself”- O`Sensei’s sentence
mata 股 body part; thigh, groin, sokei
matadachi 股 立 ち split on the sides of the hakama
mate 待 て literally: “wait”, signalling a well-done technique, usually combined with a hand pat on the mat or the body of a co-practitioner
matsu, ume, take 松, 梅, 竹 aikido philosophy and aikiken techniques symbolically referring to the exchange of energy in nature. Pine (principle of triangle and irimi), plum (principle of square and osae), bamboo (principle of circle and kokyu). Pine (it is long-lived and durable), plum (blooms in winter conditions, it is beautiful and strong, but fleeting), bamboo (flexible in the face of wind and durable under the force of snow)
mawari 回 り rotation
mawashi 回 し circular, rotation
mawashi geri 回 し 蹴 り circular kick, in a curve
mawatte 回 る turn around
me 目 body part; eye
medama 目 玉 eyeball
meguri 巡 り circular movement around the long axis of the forearms
mei 名 element of the katana construction, signature usually engraved on the nakago tang
meibutsu 名 物 swords included in works of art
meirei 命 令 commands and teacher’s directing
meiyo 名 誉 samurai virtue; honour, self-judgment
mekugi 目 釘 element of the katana construction, a bamboo or horn peg, holding the elements of the sword hilt (it goes through the mekugi ana)
mekugi ana 目 釘 孔 element of the katana construction; a hole in the tang (nakago)
men 面 surface of the head, face, atama
men uchi 面 打 ち bokken cut in the head carried from the direction of up – down, hand strike with a sword (tegatana), strike to head, attack to the face
menkyo kaiden 免 許 皆 伝 certificate obtained through an exam, a written confirmation of skills
menuki 目 貫 element of the katana construction; decorative mounts on the hilt used to adjust the grip
metsuke 目 付 the art of expressing the state of mind with eyes, looking into the distance, expression in the eyes
mi 眉 eyebrow
mi 身 body
michi 道 aikido philosophy, the way, O`Sensei’s sentence “Walk Through Life”
midori 緑 green
migi 右 right, to the right, right direction
migi gedan no kamae 右 下 段 の 構 え right position with the sword guard on the legs
migi hanmi 右 半 身 side stance with right leg forward
migi jodan no kamae 右 上 段 の 構 え right position with the sword guard on the head
mimi 耳 body part; ear
miru 見 る to look
misogi 禊 cleansing the spirit through the practice of cooling the body in an icy stream or under waterfall, misogi precedes furitama to raise warmth of the whole body and stimulate the spirit (ritual purification)
misogi no jo 禊 の 杖 ritual of purification, contemplation with the use of a stick (jo), applied by O`Sensei to achieve a state of harmony between the body and the mind (harmony with the universe)
mitori geiko 見 取 稽 古 “eyes grab practice”; learning by observing, especially when injured
mizu 水 water
mochi 持 ち / 持ち 方 grip (grasping method)
mokushin 目 心 one of two types of metsuke (lit. “eye of the mind”)
mokuso 黙 想 meditation, the command to begin calming the mind, the aim of mokuso is finding inner peace, meditation before and after aikido classes (clearing one’s mind, developing mental equanimity, enhancing awareness, focusing on presence in the moment, and cultivating unity of mind and body)
mokuso yame 黙 想 止 め command to stop meditation
momo 腿 body part, thigh
monjin 門 人 beginner (lit “person at the gate”)
mono 物 thing
monouchi 物 打 sharp blade (used for cutting)
morote 諸 手 with both hands
morote (ryote) 諸 手 with two hands
morote dori 諸 手 取 り forearm grasp done with both hands, also called katate ryote dori
morote tsuki 諸 手 突 き two-handed punch
morote uchi 諸 手 打 ち two-handed strike
morote mochi 諸 手 持 ち with both hands
mu 無 emptiness
mudansha 無 段 者 adepts of martial arts at the student level, having a kyu degree
mune 棟 back ridge of sword
mune 棟 element of the katana construction; the back of the sword blade
mune 胸 body part; chest
mune dori 胸 取 り grip at the height of the chest
mune saki 棟 先 point of the mune (back ridge of sword) at the kissaki (sword tip)
mune tsuki 胸 突 き thrust or straight strike in the chest
mune uchi 棟 内 hit with the back of the blade
musanso undo 無 酸 素 運 動 anaerobic exercise
musha 武 者 warrior
mushin 無 心 budo philosophy; mind without thinking reflecting reality like a mirror, philosophy and practice of introducing a state without emotions and imaginations, a concept referring to the philosophy of the mind like water (mizu no kokoro), “no-mind” reflective mental state
mushin no shin 無 心 の 心 mind of no mind
muso 無 想 no mind
musubi 結 び budo philosophy; binding, connection, unification
nagare 流 れ technique like a stream (free and smooth movement), connecting to uke activities, following the training partner
nagasa 長 さ element of the katana construction, blade, sharp part of the sword (from the kissaki to the munemachi)
nagashi 流 し flow
nagashi uke 流 し 受 け flowing block, control of the central line in the jo or bokken guard
nagashi waza 流 し 技 proficiency in applying aikido techniques, smooth transition from one technique to another, spontaneous continuation through a different technical solution
nage 投 げ a person performing a technique, one of the ways to determine a party that uses a technique
nage waza 投 げ 技 technique based on uke throw
naginata 薙 刀 pole weapon with a range of more than two meters (wooden handle fastened with a metal blade reminiscent of a sword blade)
naiwan 内 腕 inner arm
naka ni 中に to the center
naka 中 inside, in, center, middle
nakago 茎 element of the katana construction; metal tang, scaffolding for the sword’s hilt
nakayubi 中 指 middle finger
nakazumi 中 墨 centerline
nana/shichi 七 seven
nanakyo 七 教 pressure on the wrist (yonkyo)
naname 斜 め obliquely, diagonally, diagonal line
nidan 弐 段 2nd degree black belt
Nihon/Nippon 日 本 Japan
nihon go 日 本 語 japanese language
nihon teien 日 本 庭 園 japanese garden
nikyo 二 教 the second technical rule (lesson) of aikido, control of uke by twisting the wrist
nikyo – yonkyo undo 二 教 四 教 運 動 aikitaiso exercise by raising your hand set in nikyo and lowering it with yonkyo pressure
nikyo undo 二 教 運 動 aikitaiso exercise based on performing hand pressure positioned in nikyo
ninin dori / futari dori 二 人 取 り simultaneous attack of two uke
no 脳 body part; brain
nobashi 伸 ば し command for stretching
nodachi 野 太 刀 literally: “field” (no), “sword” (dachi). A very large sword used in time of battles in the open space (length over 1.5 m), also O`dachi 大 太 刀 “great sword”
nodo の ど body part; throat
noto 納 刀 putting the sword away into the saya, the moment of contemplation after the victorious fight
O 大 great, large
O`chiburi 血 振 blood flicking from the katana blade, performed with drawing a large circle, a moment of contemplation
O`kami 大 神 literally: “the great spirit”, the deity
O`kissaki 大 鋒 element of the katana construction; big sword tip, literally: “big kissaki”
O`Sensei 翁 先 生 respect for the old master emphasised in the pronunciation, literally: “great teacher” born (living) earlier, honorary title for master Morihei Ueshiba and other outstanding budokas
obi 帯 sash wrapped around hips bound on a kimono, belt
obi musubi 帯 結 ぶ knot of a kimono sash
ohayo gozaimasu お 早 う 御 座 い ま す good morning
oi tsuki 追 い 突 き a straight blow with a lunge, set in the direction of the retreating target
oku 奥 secret or deep
okuden 奥傳 inner or secret teachings
okugi 奥義 secret techniques
omote 表 palm surface, open hand, symbolical openness and evidence of actions
omote shikko 表 膝 行 moving on your knees forward
omote waza 表 技 performing techniques in the forward direction or in the front side of the opponent, open techniques for those who train outside the school
Omoto Kyo 大 本 教 Japanese religious sect
onaka お 腹 belly, stomach
onegai shimasu お 願 い し ま す please (at the beginning of exercises with a partner, bowing to the instructor or to each other)
orenai te 折 れ な い 手 unbendable arm
oroshi 下 ろ し downward or descending
osae 押 え keeping control (press, push)
osae waza 押 さ え 技 also katame waza, immobilisation techniques and joint lock techniques, techniques associated with a painful reaction in the joint, pinning techniques
osame to 納 め 刀 command to place sword in obi
osode 大 袖 armor for upper arms and shoulders
otagai ni rei お 互 い に 礼 mutual bow, teacher to students and vice versa, mutual greeting, bow to each other
otomo お 供 escort to a sensei
otoshi 落 と し lowering, falling, downward direction
otoshi tsuki 落 と し 突 き dropping punch; downward punch
otoshi uchi 落 と し 打 ち downward strike
otoshi uke 落 と し 受 け dropping block
oyo 応用 analyze (lit “practical use”)
oya yubi 親 指 body part; thumb
oyo waza 応 用 技 techniques focused on the effectiveness of the fight, used only for obtaining effectiveness in battle
ran 乱 chaos
randori 乱 取 り practising any techniques and tactics of aikido against a few attackers, movement tactics and performing techniques with a few uke, in a literal sense subdue chaos
rei 礼 samurai virtue; respect expressed in a bow, expressive gratitude, a form of courtesy and the expression of respect occurs in many moments, e.g. greeting, encouraging to exercise, appreciation, superiority of politeness over the desire to show your strength
reigi no renshu 礼 儀 の 練 習 learning to respect each other
reigi 礼 儀 dojo etiquette, rules of behaviour and participation in aikido classes
reiho 礼 法 methods of expressing respect and modesty
reishiki 礼 式 occasional etiquette defining the rules of conduct, ceremonial respect for generations and traditions, once defining the rules of dealing with weapons, for example, how to pass tchem, manners
ren 錬 practice, training
renko 錬 功 skills acquired through hard training; feats of practice
renshi 錬 士 honorary title for a master in 4th, 5th or 6th dan degree
renshin 錬 心 practice for strengthening the fighting spirit
renzoku 連 続 continuation, successive, continuous performance of an activity. In weapons techniques, an attack on one side followed swiftly by an attack on the other side
renzoku uchikomi 連 続 打 ち 込 み series of bokken hits, suburi
renzoku waza 連 続 技 drill techniques, the same consecutive techniques flowing one after the other, a continuation, a series of techniques
riai 理 合 joining of principles (unity between the techniques of the sword, staff and empty hands)
ritsu rei 立 礼 bow in a standing position
ritsu zen 立 禅 standing meditation
rokkyo 六 教 joint lock technique for the elbow, hiji kime osae, literally: “the sixth rule”
roku 六 six
rokudan 六 段 6h degree black belt
ronin 浪 人 literally “wave man”, samurai without a master
ryo 両 double, both
ryo hiji dori 両 肘 取 り both elbows grip
ryo kata dori 両 肩 取 り both arms grip
ryo kata ushiro dori 後 ろ 両 肩 取 り both arms grip from the back
ryo katate dori 両 片 手 取 り both hands grip of one forearm
ryote dori 両 手 取 り both hands grip of two forearms
ryote mochi 両 手 持 ち two-handed with grasp two on two
ryu 流 method, system, style, school, path of martial arts with the message
ryu ha 流 派 branch of the organisation, sections operating outside the main dojo
sabaki 捌 き movement, body motion, decision (hand-movement – te-sabaki 手 捌 き, foot-movement – ashi-sabaki 足 捌 き or body-movement – tai-sabaki 休 捌 き)
sageo 下 緒 element of the katana construction, cord for tying the sword to the kakuobi
saibu 細 部 details
saki zori 先 反 element of the katana construction; place of the greatest bend of the sword blade – closer to the kissaki
sakotsu 鎖 骨 body part; collarbone
sakotsu uchi 锁 骨 打 ち clavicle strike
samegawa 鮫 皮 element of the katana construction, wrapping on the hilt of the sword made of shark or ray skin strap
samurai 侍 person serving his sovereign, warrior
san 三 three
sandan 参 段 3rd degree black belt
sankaku no kamae 三 角 の 構 え stance with feet arranged in the shape of a triangle
sankaku tai 三 角 体 position reflecting the pyramid symbolising stability
sankaku 三 角 triangle, literally: “three angles”
sankyo 三 教 third rule (lesson), twisted forearm, kote hineri
sankyo undo 三 教 運 動 aikitaiso exercise, self-twisting of the forearm in sankyo
sannin dori 三 人 取 り / sannin gake 三 人 掛 け method of control (usually throwing) of three uke grabbing at the same time
sanpo giri 三 方 切 り kumi tachi techniques performed on three uke
sanpo 三 方 three directions
satori 悟 り enlightenment, full understanding
saya (saja) 鞘 element of the katana construction; the scabbard
saya no uchi 鞘 の 内 sword inside the scabbard / saya no uchi no kachi 鞘 の 内 勝 ち victory without drawing a sword, budo philosophy
sayo otoshi 左 右 落 と し aikitaiso exercise, falling sideways to the right-left direction
sayu 左 右 the right-left direction
sayu uchi 左 右 打 ち left and right strike
sei 正 natural, true
seigan no kamae 正 眼 の 構 え uke position before the attack, in kumi tachi uke’s bokken is directed to tori’s neck
seigi 正 義 right, righteousness, correct meaning
seigyo 制 御 control
seika no itten 臍 下 の 一 点 body focused at one point, the centre of the body, tanden, point below the navel
seika tanden 臍 下 丹 田 the centre of gravity of the body, point located deep in the abdomen
seiki 生 気 vitality and human energy expressed in calmness and peace
seikitsui 脊 椎 spine
seiretsu 斉 列 student line up, a command to form a line
seito 生 徒 student
seiza 正 座 kneeling sit with bent feet and toes, the so-called Japanese sit
seiza seiretsu 正 座 整 列 line setting in seiza
sekkotsu 接 骨 bone setting
seme 攻 め the name of the person performing the technique (tori), also a person with more experience, taking over the initiative in technique
sempai 先 輩 senior
sen 先 initiative, the decisive moment
sen 線 line
sen no sen 先 の 先 taking over the initiative before the attack, overtaking the attacker’s actions
senryaku 戦 略 strategy
sensei 先 生 teacher, literally: “born before”, a title expressing respect for the teacher
sensei ni rei 先 生 に 礼 teacher’s respect shown by the body, a bow to sensei
seoi 背 負 upper back, back of shoulders
seppa 切 羽 element of the katana construction; washers above and below tsuba
seppuku 切 腹 formal term for ritual suicide by disembowelment (hara kiri)
sha 者 person
shaku 尺 traditional Japanese and Chinese unit of length. 1 shaku is approximately 30.3 cm (≈11.93 inch). Shaku has, among other things, use as a unit of measure for the length of the blade of Japanese swords
shi / yon 四 four
shi 士 expert, learned man
shiai 試 合 literal “encounter”, in a combat situation (死 合) meeting with death
shiatsu 指 圧 point massage with finger pressure
shichi 七 seven
shichi dan 七 段 7th degree black belt
shido 士 道 “the way of the gentleman” ethical system of the bushi
shido geiko 指 導 稽 古 learning by teaching (“way person practice”)
shihan 師 範 official title of the oldest senior master in school (at least 6th dan), equivalent of a professor, teacher’s model
shiho 四 方 four directions
shiho giri (kiri) 四 方 切 り cutting in four directions, method of improving suburi and movement of the body
shiho nage 四 方 投 げ throwing technique in four directions
shiho shikko 四 方 膝 行 moving on the knees in four directions
shikaku 四 角 literally: “blind spot”, “four angles” (square), „dead corner” in techniques denoting a safe field
shiken 試 験 examination, test
shiki 式 ceremony
shikko 膝 行 walking on your knees (samurai walk)
shime 締 め strangling technique
shimoseki 下 関 (左 側) lower side of the mat, left side of the dojo
shimoza 下 座 back side of the dojo, place for students
shin 神 soul, spirit
shin / kokoro 心 heart, mind
shin gi tai ichi 心 技 体 一 warrior’s state, spirit, technique and body as one
shin gunto 新 軍 刀 presentation sword produced in the Japanese Army from 1930 to the end of II World War, i.e. until 1945
shinai 竹刀 bamboo sword
shinjutsu 鍼 術 acupuncture (harijutsu)
shinkei 神 経 body part; nerve
shinken 真 剣 living sword, sword having a soul, practice with a sharp sword
shinken shobu keiko 真 剣 勝 負 稽 古 budo philosophy, train as if you were fighting for your life
shinkokyu 深 呼 吸 aikitaiso; meditation on the move starting aikido classes
shinogi 鎬 element of the katana construction, the line closest to the back of the mune
shinogi ji 鎬 地 element of the katana construction, the surface closest to the mune ridge
shinsa 審 査 grading or examination
shintai 身 体 budo philosophy, body and spirit being one, divine body
shinto 新 刀 katanas created in the period of 1596-1780
shinto 神 道 ancient religion of japan (lit. “the way of the gods”)
shinzo 心 臓 body part; heart
shira saya 白 鞘 literally: “white scabbard”, a type of binding for various types of Japanese weapons, made of raw wood, consisting of a scabbard and a hilt. They were devoid of any ornaments, unpainted, not lacqured. They were mainly used during the storage of the sword or during changing its elements
shiri 尻 body part; bottom
shita 下 under, below, inferior (ge)
shita 舌 body part; tongue
shite 仕 手 person receiving the technique, assisting the teacher
shitei 師 弟 relationship of teacher and student
shitsu kansetsu 膝 関 節 knee joint
shizen 自 然 nature, natural, spontaneous
shizentai 自 然 体 kamae, natural posture with legs spread at a shoulder width
sho 初 / 暑 / 小 first, new; hot, little or small
sho 掌 palm
shochikubai no ken 松 竹 梅 の 剣 sword work of pine – bamboo – plum (the symbolic expression of auspicious matters)
shochu keiko 暑 中 稽 古 mid-summer training
shodan 初 段 master level in martial arts, 1st dan
shodo 書 道 the way of the brush (calligraphy)
shogun 将 軍 supreme commander in charge of the armed forces, chief commander of troops. Shogun has undergone a semantic evolution, from the military rank it has become a prestigious title of military rulers of Japan
shomen 正 面 front of the head, also the front of the dojo, the place where the kamiza is located
shomen geri 正 面 蹴 り front kick
shomen ni rei 正 面 に 礼 literally: “bow to the front”, a bow to start and end the class towards kamiza
shomen uchi happo giri 正 面 打 ち 八 方 切 bokken cuts in eight directions
shomen uchi shiho giri 正 面 打 ち 四 方 切 bokken cuts in four directions
shomen uchi 正 面 打 ち a simple tegatana hand strike, in aikiken vertical sword cut from top to down
shoshin 初 心 budo philosophy defining the mind of a novice aikidoka (beginners mind)
shoshinsha 初 心 者 initial, beginner
shuchu 集 中 concentration
shuchu ryoku 集 中 力 power of concentration
shuren 修 練 training, discipline, drill (tanren)
sode 袖 a kimono sleeve or part of the armour protecting your shoulders
sode dori 袖 取 り sleeve grip
soe te 添 え 手 putting one hand on the blade, literally: “helping hand”
soke 宗 家 head of martial arts, heir of style
soku 足 foot, ashi
sokudo 速 道 speed
sokumen 側面 side, profile, sidelight, lateral
sokuso 足 爪 body part; tips of toes
soremade そ れ ま で command announcing the completion of exercises
sori 反 り element of the katana construction, curvature of the sword, degree of bending of the blade
soshu rei 双 手 礼 basic everyday bow in japan
sotei 想 定 Solo practice with an imagined partner
soto 外 outside, away
soto deshi 外 弟 子 adept (student) who gets education from the master away from master’s home, away from his dojo
soto kaiten nage 外 回 転 投 げ roll throw technique, body rotation while staying outside of uke, round throw technique combined with blocking uke
soto kaiten 外 回 転 rotation or turn performed away from uke’s body (outside)
soto uke 外 受 け someone from outside the dojo
suburi 素 振 り exercise of impact and cutting techniques performed with a sword or stick in series, without breaks with a swinging weapon
suburito 素 振 り 刀 heavy wooden sword, used to improve kihon aikiken waza
sudori 素 通 り momentum; passing through without stopping
sudori waza 巣 鶏 技 throwing technique with a dispersed and curled body (a passing through without stopping)
sugata 姿 element of the katana construction, general shape of the blade
suki 隙 weak point, uncovered part and lack of guard, chance for a counter attack
sukui 救 い help, aid
sumi 隅 angle, corner
sumi otoshi nage 隅 落 し 投 げ throwing technique by entering the angle formed between the arm and the torso
sumo 相 撲 traditional Japanese wrestling
sune 脛 body part; shin
sune ate 臑 当 / ashimaki 足 纏 armour protecting the shin
sune uchi 脛 討 ち cut on the knee
suriashi 摺 足 the way of moving with the constant contact of the feet to the ground, moving to increase the stability of the hips
sutemi waza 捨 て 身 技 techniques with exposure or dedication of your body for performing defence, currently with a loss of balance by tori (to throw-away the body)
suwari 座 り sit
suwari taiso 座り 体 操 sitting exercises; seated stretching
suwari waza 座 り 技 techniques practised in low positions
tabi 足 袋 white or black socks used during training, with two toes and with leather sole. A practical solution is the possibility of wearing them with sandals, called flip-flops
tachi 太 刀 prototype for the katana. Long sword with a length of over 2 shaku (over 60 cm). Despite that it gave way to the katana sword it was used in parallel with it until the nineteenth century
tachi 立 ち standing posturę (dachi)
tachi dori 太 刀 取 り techniques for taking the sword by unarmed tori
tachi kaze 太 刀 風 sound (ping) of sword cutting
tachi rei 立ち礼 standing bow (ritsu rei)
tachi waza 立 ち 技 techniques performed in a standing position (standing technique)
tai 体 body, torso
tai atari 体 当 た り body contact, body hit
tai chikara 体 力 external power (muscle), force, strength, might, energy, effort
tai no henko 体 の 変 更 / tai no tenkan 体 の 転 換 exercise to evade uke and the strength of his grip, body rotation by 180 degrees performed on the front leg
tai otoshi 体 落 throwing technique by lowering the body
tai ryo 体 量 body weight
tai ryoku 体 力 physical strength
tai sabaki 体 捌 き body movement, rotations and body turns
taijutsu 体 術 techniques using only the body, techniques without weapons
taiso 体 操 gymnastics
takemusu aiki 武 産 合 気 O`Sensei’s philosophy – bold search for aiki laws and creative life according to the laws of nature, the beginning (birth) of the principles of aiki
tamahagane 玉 鋼 pig iron for the production of steel for swords
tameshi kiri (giri) 試 し 斬 り sword cutting test
tanden 丹 田 body centre, underbelly
tanden no ichi 丹 田 の 一 centre (stomach and hips) felt as a single point
tandoku dosa 単 独 動 作 / 単 独 練 習 individual practice (tandoku renshu)
tanren uchi 鍛 錬 打 ち suburi training consisting in hitting the bokken in branches stacked on the stand
tanren 鍛 錬 hardening the body, shaping the fighting spirit through hard training
tanto 短 刀 knife, traditionally a short sword with a length of the nagasa of up to 30 cm, also used by women. It has very good properties for pushing through the breastplate of the armour. Commonly used for a ritual suicide called seppuku
tanto dori 短 刀 取 り defence against knife attack, knife retrieving techniques by unarmed tori
tatami 畳 mats lining the exercise room, traditionally a rice straw mat, in the Meiji era, the term tatami was used to describe the surface area of the floors of Japanese houses and spaces equal to 1.8 x 0.9 m rectangle
tate 縦 vertical
tate hiza 立 て 膝 / iaihiza 居 合 膝 vertical knee, kneeling position with one leg raised
tatte 立 て る raise
te 手 part of the body; hand
te no hira 手 の 平 palm of the hand
te no yubi 手 の 指 finger
te sabaki 手 捌 き hand movement
te ura 手 裏 inside of wrist
te waza 手 技 hand techniques
tegatana 手 刀 hand like a sword
tekubi 手 首 body part; wrist
tekubi no undo 手 首 の 運 動 aikitaiso gymnastics for hand and forearm joints
tekubi osae 手 首 押 さ え pressure on the wrist area, yonkyo
ten 天 heaven
ten chi ka sui 天 地 火 水 budo philosophy; heaven, earth, fire, water, Shintoist elements reflected in the philosophy and symbolism of aikido
tenchi 天 地 heaven and earth
tenchi nage 天 地 投 げ throwing technique involving the lowering and lifting of two sides of the uke’s body in symbolic directions up (sky) – down (earth), finding a balance by supporting the sky and the earth
tenkan 転 換 body rotation by 180 degrees preceded by leaving the attack line, movement of the body allowing you to intercept and change the direction of uke’s attack
tesaki 手 先 body part; fingertips
to 刀 a katana sword
to rei 刀 礼 respect for the sword, a bow to the katana
tobi 飛 び flying
tobi ukemi 飛 び 受 け 身 group of falls with a long flight phase, falls with a jump
toma 遠 間 far, the distance between uke and tori is greater than the distance of one step
tori 取 り receiving attack, literally: “taking”
tori fune 取 り 船 aikitaiso exercise; Japanese rowing
tori sori 華 表 反 り element of the katana construction; curvature of the blade (the centre of the curve lies approximately in the middle of the sword)
tsuba 鍔 element of the katana construction; metal plate with holes for nagasa, kozuka and kogai, guard for hands
tsugi ashi 次 足 tai sabaki, side step in the hanmi position
tsuka ito 柄 糸 elements of the katana construction; the material used to wrap the sword hilt, e.g. silk or leather
tsuka maki 巻 柄 element of the katana construction; the method of wrapping the sword hilt, the braid pattern of the hilt
tsuka 柄 element of the katana construction; sword hilt
tsuki 突 き straight thrust, straight blow
tsume 爪 body part; nail
uchi waza 打 技 striking techniques
uchi 内 in the middle, inside
uchi 打 ち cut, impact, striking methods
uchi deshi 内 弟 子 student living and training alongside the teacher, a strict everyday method of training and learning with the master, internal, closest student
uchi kaiten nage 内 回 転 投 げ “wheel throw”, preceded by an entry under uke’s arm with simultaneous rotation of the body by tori
uchi kaiten 内 回 転 rotation or turn done towards uke’s body (inwards)
uchi komi 打 ち 込 み repeated cutting or punching usually used to improve the suburi with a bokken or a jo
uchi komi 打 ち 込 み repeatedly hitting with the sword, technique and strength training
uchi uke 内 受 け bokken block performed from the centre line to the outside
uchigatana 打 刀 sword from the Kamakura era, usually carried by lower-ranking samurai
ude 腕 body part; forearm
ude furi undo 腕 振 運 動 arm waving triggered by the movement of the hips
ude kansetsu 腕 関 節 arm joint
ude kime nage 腕 き め 投 げ throw technique by pressure on the arm and elbow
ude nobashi 腕 伸 し technique consisting in stretching fingers and forearm
ude osae 腕 押 さ え ikkyo prototype, aikido technique, pressure on the elbow, literally: “nailed shoulder”
ue up
Ueshiba Morihei 植 芝 盛 平 master, O`Sensei, creator of the art of aikido born 14/12/1883, d. 04/26/1969
uke 受 assistant in the technique (the person on whom the defence technique is performed)
uke kotai shimasu 受 交 代 し ま す please change uke, command to change the co-practicioner
uke nagashi 受 け 流 し line control method and block in kumi tachi
ukemi 受 け 身 the art of receiving and accepting techniques, the art of exiting a technique with falling, literally: “accept, catch” with the body, the art of assisting the teacher
undo 運 動 movement, exercise
ura 裏 back, backwards, reverse
ura waza 裏 技 literally: “tricky art”, techniques that are the opposite of direct entry to attack, reverse side to omote waza, backward direction or on the back side of uke, usually combined with taking uke in a long distance
uraken 裏 拳 back part of the sword
ushiro 後 ろ direction backwards, behind
ushiro dori 後 ろ り grip from the back
ushiro eri dori 後 ろ 襟 取 りneck grab from the back
ushiro kaiten ukemi 後 回 転 受 身 round fall backwards, fall with a rolling element on the back
ushiro katate eri dori 後 ろ 片 手 衿 取 り one-handed grip of the collar with uke positioned behind tori
ushiro katate kubi shime 後 ろ 片 手 首 絞 め strangling with forearm grip control in postion – uke behind tori
ushiro muki 後 ろ 向 き sight control of the back space, looking back combined with a head rotation
ushiro otoshi ukemi (yoko ukemi) 後 ろ 落 と し 受 け 身 fall performed from the back to the side, without a rolling element, a fall by lowering the body back to the side
ushiro ryo hiji dori 後 ろ 両 肘 取 り both elbows grip from the back
ushiro ryo kata dori 後 ろ 両 肩 取 り both arms grip (shoulders) from the back
ushiro ryotekubi dori 後 ろ 両 手 首 取 り both forearms grip (wrists) from the back, ushiro ryote dori
ushiro shikko 後 ろ 膝 行 march on your knees according to the rules of withdrawal, backwards
ushiro tekubi dori 後 ろ手 首 取 り wrist grab from the back
ushiro ukemi 後 ろ 受 け 身 group of back falls, on the back
ushiro waza 後 ろ 技 a group of techniques that surprise tori with an attack from the back
uwa (kami, age) 上 direction up, upwards
uwagi 上 着 kimono top, white training blouse in aikido
wa 和 peace, harmony
wa 輪 circle, wheel, ring
waka sensei 若 先 生 a young teacher, in aikido the title for doshu successor
wakai 若 い young, inexperienced
wakarimasu 分 か り ま す I understood
waki 脇 side
waki aki 脇 明 き cut on the sides of the hakama
waki gamae 脇 構 え sword positioned low to the right hip, a position used to hide the sword, i.e. its length or blade damage
waki kage 脇 影 body part; armpit
waki no shita 脇 の 下 body part; armpit
wakizashi 脇 差 / kodachi 小 太 刀 short Japanese single-edged sword with the length of the nagasa between 30 and 60 cm
waraji 草 鞋 straw sandals (footwear worn by ordinary people). Waraji were also worn by a class of samurai and foot soldiers in feudal Japan
waza 技 technique, skill
waza ari 技 あ り well-done technique
yagai geiko 野 外 稽 古 practice outdoors in nature
Yagyu Shinkage Ryu 柳 生 新 陰 流 family of Japanese fencers dating back to the beginning of the sixteenth century, school of using the sword with a characteristic lateral position of the body, literally: “New Secret School”
yakuso 薬 草 medicinal herbs and their usage
yakusoku keiko 約 束 稽 古 prearranged training
yame 止 め command: stop, hold the technique or exercise
yari 槍 spear
yasumi 休 み command to rest or relax
yo ibuki 陽 息 吹 hard aggressive breathing
yodan 四段 (4h degree black belt)
yoi 用 意 ready
yoko 横 side direction, side, horizontally, sideways
yoko barai 横 払 い a cutting movement with a bokken or hitting with a stick horizontally, side sweep
yoko geri 横 蹴 り side kick
yoko giri 横 切 り horizontal sword cutting
yoko irimi 横 入 り 身 aikido technique involving entry sideways (with a profile)
yoko otoshi ukemi (ikkyo ura ukemi) 横 落 と し 受 身 fall with a twist of the body to the side
yoko ukemi 横 受 け 身 fall performed backwards to the side of the body, ushiro otoshi ukemi
yokomen 横 面 side area of the head (temple area)
yokomen uchi 横 面 打 ち sword cutting executed from the side, hitting the side of the head with your hand positioned in tegatana
yokote 横 手 element of the katana construction; the perpendicular line to the shinogi, it is the boarder for the kissaki plane
yonkyo 四 教 the fourth rule of control, controlling uke by applying pressure on vital points on the forearm, the prototype of te kubi osae
yooi 用 意 command; ready, get ready, arouse respect
yoroi 鎧 samurai armour
yoroi toshi 鎧 通 し dagger used to pierce armour
yu 勇 courage
yubi 指 body part; finger
yudansha 有 段 者 (黒 帯) master level, black belt, persons with dan
yudansha geiko 有 段 者 稽 古 training only for black belts
yuki 勇 気 courage, bravery
yukkuri ゆ っ く り slowly
yurui 緩 い slower, calmer, quieter, and gentler
yusanso undo 有 酸 素 運 動 aerobic exercise
yuu 勇 samurai virtue; courage, acting with conviction and faith in your abilities, heroism
za 座 sit
zanshin 残 心 staying alert, constant readiness of heart and spirit to take action, remaining spirit, remain in a balanced and aware state
zarei 座 礼 a bow sitting
zazen 座 禅 sitting meditation
zekken ゼ ッ ケ ン kimono sew-on badge with the dojo name, e.g. aiki juji (logo of the master Hirokazu Kobayashi’s method)
zen 禅 meditation practice, quiet meditation (peace of mind)
zengaku 前 額 body part; forehead, hitai
zenpo 前 方 in front, forward
zenpo kaiten ukemi 前 方 回 転 受 け 身 fall by rolling forward
zenpo ukemi 前 受 け 身 fall forward on the forearms
zoori 草 履 traditional Japanese sandals used outside of the dojo
zubon ズ ボ ン kimono trousers