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Dzielimy się swoją wiedzą i umiejętnościami nie tylko na macie… Dotychczas opublikowaliśmy kilka książek z zakresu sztuki aikido:
Książki w języku angielskim:
O`Sensei Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969): The Samurai in the Service of Peace
In the book you will find: an interestingly described and illustrated with photos the biography of O`Sensei Morihei Ueshiba, the profiles of his students and over 100 famous and rare calligraphy of the founder of aikido. Attention! The book received favorable reviews from O`Sensei students!
Morihei Ueshiba was an original artist and an exceptional master of budo (founder of aikido). What he was doing was more than just passion. He involved finesse and sensitivity into war craft. Today it is difficult to undermine the thesis that he devoted his whole life searching for a method of combining the martial art with the ideas of justice and peace. Devoting to budo, he entered a difficult and winding road. Initially, he did not meet the enthusiasm of the scene, and moreover, many contradictions of fate emerged. However, his persistence, determination and exceptional genius led his art to the heights of popularity. He became a valued person not only in budo, but also in the world of culture and art. Morihei Ueshiba was a frequent visitor in various social circles, and extensive contacts, among others between the high officers of the army made him attract the attention of government officials and the imperial court. The West also became interested in aikido. In the last years of the master’s life there were numerous invitations from the western world, asking for the presentation of his art…
Jo. Staff in Aikido: Kihon Aikijo
A richly illustrated book on defense techniques using the stick (jo) in aikido. In the publication you will find: tradition and etiquette during jo classes, kumijo rules (distance, time …), methodological and training tips in the use of the stick, positions with jo, methods of strikes, thrusts and curtains … The advantage of the book is simple descriptions and numerous illustrations.
Table of Contents: Bartosz Ciechanowicz. From the author. Chapter 1 Dojo. Tradition and culture of reigi. Chapter 2 Hakama. Chapter 3 Convention of classes and rules of being in the dojo. Chapter 4 Aikijo practice. Chapter 5 Positions with a staff. Jo no kamae. Chapter 6 Moving with the jo. Tai sabaki. Chapter 7 Suburi jo. Epilogue. Dictionary of Japanese terminology.
Bokken. Sword in Aikido: Kihon Aikiken. Volume I
Giving this book to the readers I deeply believe that I will contribute to the greater popularisation of aikido in the world. I have divided the book “Bokken. Sword in Aikido. Kihon Aikiken. Volume I” into two thematic blocks. The first of them has a historical background. In it I refer to the history of Japan and, above all, to the most important social and military conditions that shaped for centuries the art of sword. In this part I describe the Japanese warrior and the katana sword. I also present here important facts from the life of master Morihei Ueshiba and the profiles of his students. That’s how I wanted to refresh the increasingly weakening memory of the people who participated in the creation the aikido art. I have devoted a few dozen pages to this because I think it is an extremely important element of the tradition of the art, giving meaning to the identity of people practising aikido. I have devoted the second thematic block to the technical grounds of aikiken. From this part, the reader will learn what is necessary for mastering the skills of wielding a bokken. It is obvious that the book in no way will replace the practice and knowledge derived from the teacher. However, I hope that not the book alone, but my experiences – collected for over twenty years – described in it will systematise the knowledge about aikiken and encourage you to start training with a sword. See you on the mat… Author of the book, Bartosz Ciechanowicz. Table of Contents: From the author. Chapter 1. The samurai. Chapter 2. Bokken. Chapter 3 O`Sensei Morihei Ueshiba. The samurai in the service of peace. Chapter 4 Profiles of O`Sensei’s students. Chapter 5 The historical background of aikiken. Chapter 6 Basics of the practice. Kihon aikiken. Chapter 7 Positions with a sword. Bokken no kamae. Chapter 8 Moving with the sword. Tai sabaki aikiken. Chapter 9 Sword techniques. Aikiken waza. EPILOGUE. DICTIONARY
Aikido: Dictionary
Alphabetic japanese aikido dictionary (kanji). Dictionary with phrases used during aikido classes (1111 words!)
Terminology Used in the Art of Aikido: Dictionary
Alphabetic japanese aikido dictionary (kanji). Dictionary with phrases used during aikido classes (1111 words!)